This is me :)
It's all about my simply life to be a wife, to be a mother and also to be a nice person for all people around me :)
I watch you grow everyday and i cant wait hold you in the morning. When you lay there sleeping i love that you grab my finger with your little hand. It amazes me still that something so tiny and full of life could have come out of me and that you love me no matter what my faults are. You dont care if my hair isnt combed or if my breathe stinks first thing in the morning. You still just love me for me. Maybe when they say that true love is out there, maybe it isn’t for a partner maybe it’s deeper then that. Maybe the true love we find is that we find within our self to love one of our own creations. True love is love that a parent feels the first time they hold their child and watching them open their eyes for the first time to welcome in new life. A love so unconditional that nothing could break them. One where no matter have far you move away, no matter how close you are, whether you are alive or passed the title will always be the same. You never hear of ex- daughter or ex- son. Its unseen. My eyes are open now when i look at you my love, my very first love, my daughter. True love is the love a single person does not know they hold within themselves til they get that first glimpse of their child and that is when true love becomes real. I love you Ataya Ibrahim Kal El. I love you today, I love you tomorrow, and I will love you always.
Love, Mom.

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