This is me :)

It's all about my simply life to be a wife, to be a mother and also to be a nice person for all people around me :)

Rabu, 24 Maret 2010

Posted by memamamaya at Rabu, Maret 24, 2010
In this world there is always one person waiting for another.
Be it in the middle of a dessert or in the middle of a big city.
And when those two people pass each other and their eyes meet
past and future loss all importance.
And the only things that exist is that moment and the incredible certainly
that everything under the sun was written by the same hand.
The hand awakens love. And that makes a twin soul for everyone who works.
Rest and seeks treasures under the sun.
Without this our human dreams would make no sense
(Paulo Coecho)

isi sesuka anda


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